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毕节试验区三十年坚持扶贫开发与生态建设并重-中工新闻-中工网:2021-8-4 · 守着一座土墙房和几分苞米地,织金县三甲街道裕民村村民李群友,一人拉扯两个孩子,日子过得紧巴巴。4 年前,村里将他纳入建档立卡贫困户。 ...





5th May 2023 to 番羽土墙


Due to current events, this is a virtualised programme 

Mathematical modelling has played an unprecedented role in informing public health policy on the control of the current COVID19 pandemic. Infectious disease modelling groups in the UK and globally have necessarily been working in ‘response’ mode to provide real-time modelling of the pandemic as it unfolds.

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Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves

6th July 2023 to 18th December 2023




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27th July 2023 to 4th September 2023





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番羽土墙软件 to 7th August 2023




Workshop theme:

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August 2023   Tools and experiments for verified software Workshop
September 2023   Frontiers in dynamo theory: from the Earth to the stars Programme
September 2023   Integrating quantitative social, ecological and mathematical sciences into landscape decision-making 侠客岛:四川不仅有美食美景 还蕴藏无穷的发展后劲_视点 ...:2021-9-6 · 在宜宾市屏山县五峰村,其他贫困户都已搬进新房三个月了,而罗泽海却还住在土墙 倾斜的老屋里,原因在于他被“歇帮”了。 “歇帮”是什么?就是针对脱贫不积极、违法乱纪的贫困户,暂停所有帮扶的惩戒性措施。去年10月,村里就曾催他 ...
September 2023   Integrating Quantitative Social, Ecological and Mathematical Sciences into Landscape Decision-making Workshop
September 2023   Analysis of dispersive systems Workshop
September 2023   Dynamos in planets in stars - similarities and differences Workshop
September 2023   Integrable systems and applications Satellite
墙软件 Mathematical Challenges in the Electromagnetic Environment Satellite
番羽土墙软件 Statistical mechanics, integrability and dispersive hydrodynamics 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伋——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 环球时事 阿联酋新增553例新冠肺炎确诊病例 累计确诊16793例 日本航空自卫队将于18日成立“宇宙作战队” 泰国大象离乡20年后因疫情“失业”,徒步 ...
番羽土啬吧 Fluid flow and magnetic field generation in fluids and plasmas - theory and laboratory experiments 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,伍前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伋修建的土墙房里,由于年伋久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。
November 2023   Mathematics and Statistics for Effective Regulation Workshop
November 2023   Mathematical Foundations of Optimisation in Data Science Satellite
November 2023   Privacy Enhancing Technologies in Practice Satellite
November 2023   袁定崔:脱贫了,还要致富_新闻中心_乐山频道_四川在线 ...:2021-8-16 · 立秋后的井研县高滩乡双鹅村,梯田层层,一片金黄。农民伊正在忙着收割,打谷机踩起来滚筒飞快地转动,发出“嗡嗡”的声音。该村12组建卡贫困户袁定崔家的田地里更是闹热,早上6点半,该县总工会和乡、村党员干部一行8人就来到袁定崔的稻田里开始忙乎起来,割水稻、传水稻、水稻脱粒 ... Workshop
December 2023   Physical applications Workshop
January 2021   Fractional differential equations 丰都大溪村:贫困村蝶变美丽乡村-通讯员-华龙网 - CQNEWS:2021-10-15 · 近年来,重庆市丰都县虎威镇大溪村从改善基础设施着手,破解发展瓶颈,先后实施了通村通畅、人行便道硬化、山坪塘整治等一大批扶贫项目 ...
January 2021 · 视频类 图片类 文字类 学校名称 团队名称 安徽材料工程学校 安徽材料工程学校彩虹人生实践服务团 安徽财经大学 “爱无止境,智慧先行”暑期调研团 Programme
January 2021   Advances in 4D (data) Modelling for Large Scale Data Integration Satellite
番羽土墙 番羽土墙 Workshop

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毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伋——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 守着一座土墙房和几分苞米地,织金县三甲街道裕民村村民李群友,一人拉扯两个孩子,日子过得紧巴巴。 4年前,村里将他纳入建档立卡贫困户。 针对李群友的实际困难,裕民村通过危房改造项目为他家新建了一套小平房,并将其安排到附近一家养殖场上班。

Newton Gateway to Mathematics


The Newton Gateway to Mathematics acts as a knowledge intermediary for the mathematical sciences. It is the impact initiative of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INI). 

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Submit a proposal

The Scientific Steering Committee meets twice each year to consider proposals.  Proposals to be considered at these meetings should be submitted by 31 January or 31 July respectively.

The present deadline for submission is 31 January 2021 for consideration at the meeting of the Scientific Steering Committee in May 2021.

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I only wish I could have spent more time at the INI. It is a unique environment in which to think and write and exchange ideas.

Sunetra Gupta

Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford



  • Isaac Newton Trust
  • Information about Sir Isaac Newton
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    Clay Mathematics Institute London Mathematical Society NM Rothschild and Sons
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